Color Converter components

RGB, HSL, HEX & Tailwind Class Converter

Convert between RGB, HSL, HEX, and Tailwind classes effortlessly with CuiCui.

How Does CuiCui Work?

  1. Select Conversion Type: Choose the desired conversion direction (e.g., RGB to Tailwind, HEX to HSL).
  2. Input Color Code: Enter your color value in the designated input field. Formats can include RGB, HSL, HEX, or Tailwind classes.
  3. Instant Conversion: CuiCui utilizes the Delta E algorithm to accurately measure color differences and find the closest matching Tailwind color.
  4. Copy & Compare: Easily copy the converted color code by clicking the clipboard icon or using keyboard shortcuts. Visually compare the original and converted colors to ensure accuracy.
  5. Visibility Check: CuiCui highlights whether the color difference is noticeable to the human eye by evaluating if the Delta E score exceeds the threshold of 1.

Open Source

CuiCui is open-sourced! Contribute to the project or customize it to fit your needs by visiting our GitHub repository.